Sunday, August 27, 2023

5 Tips to Reduce Screen Time in Kids


5 Tips to Reduce Screen Time in Kids


The term "screen time" describes how much time a person spends using electronic devices with screens, such as computers, televisions, gaming consoles, cellphones, and tablets. It covers things like watching movies, playing video games, surfing the web, accessing social media, texting, and more.


Depending on how it is used and the information being consumed, screen time can have both positive and negative consequences. For instance, interactive learning platforms, online courses, and instructional apps can all offer worthwhile educational opportunities. On the other hand, excessive screen time, particularly when combined with improper or non-educational content, can have a negative impact on social interactions, sleep patterns, and children's and teenagers' social development as well as their physical and mental health.


"As a parent myself, I make an effort to keep my child occupied with a variety of activities. I make an effort to get her involved in a variety of activities, including reading, writing, coloring, dancing, and story-telling. Despite the fact that they have a number of apps and access to appropriate YouTube videos for their age. The table below shows the recommended screen time for each age group, and it's equally crucial."  


 Here's a chart summarizing the recommended screen time durations for different age groups:

Age Group

Recommended Screen Time Duration


0-18 months

Not recommended except for video chatting

Prioritize real-world interactions.

18-24 months

Up to 30 minutes of high-quality content

Co-view and engage during screen time.

2-5 years

Up to 1 hour of educational content

Choose age-appropriate, interactive content.

6-12 years

1-2 hours of recreational screen time

Encourage a balanced mix of activities.

13-18 years

Responsible management and balance

Prioritize school, social interaction, and other activities.


Keep in mind that these suggestions are basic advice that can be modified depending on specific situations. The value of quality and education should take precedence over the amount of screen time. All children, regardless of age, may develop good screen habits with the aid of open communication and clear boundaries.

For children's overall health and development, it's crucial to limit their screen time.

Here are five ideas to assist you in achieving this objective:

1. Create a Positive Influence

Children frequently imitate the behavior of adults. It is more difficult for kids to comprehend the value of limiting screen time if they observe you spending a lot of time on screens. Set a good example for others by using screens in a healthy way.


2. Set Up Screen-Free Hours and Zones

 Set aside a few places in your house as screen-free zones, like the dining room and the bedrooms. Establish times during the day when screens are prohibited, such as before bedtime, during homework, and during meals. This promotes social interaction and alternate activities.


3. Provide Alternate Activities

 It offers a selection of entertaining activities free of screens. Encourage reading, puzzles, board games, crafts, outdoor play, arts and crafts, and other pastimes that foster creativity, physical activity, and cognitive growth.


4. Use Screen Time Wisely

 When using a screen, make sure the material is high-quality, age-appropriate, and informative. Choose instructional apps, documentaries, or interactive learning platforms that can constructively engage children's minds as opposed to mindless entertainment.


5. Set Your Kid’s Screen Time Limits

 Use parental controls and screen time management tools to limit your child's screen time each day. These capabilities are available on various operating systems and devices, allowing you to manage and keep a check on how much time you spend on screens. Reduce screen time restrictions gradually over time to aid children in adjusting


What is Happinetz? 


Happinetz is a safe internet for kids box that connects to your home router wired or wirelessly. Once connected, it creates a separate WiFi which filters out age-inappropriate internet and helps you set screen time schedules for devices connected to this WiFi. Happinetz continuously monitors more than 110 million websites and apps and is preconfigured to block more than 22 million adult and unsecured websites.

Some features include:

  • Exhaustive filtering system
  • Customizable internet schedule
  • Insight to help parents monitor what websites & apps children are opening
  • Quick setup: A quick 2 step-5 minutes process
  • Zero kid involvement: No need to download apps on your child's device
  • Device compatibility: Connect up to 10 devices, including Android or iOS phones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs.


This post is a part of Happinetz - Safe Internet For Kids 

Also read, 11 Clever Ways to Keep Your Toddler Productive

You should look at Saregama Carvaan Mini Kids

You can check out my AMAZON STOREFRONT link and Facebook and Instagram page.

Let's discuss how much screen time do you give to your kids? Also, 

What do you do to reduce their screen time?

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Yogita Aggarwal talks about her book It's Time to say Thank You | Interview


It’s Time To Say Thank You 


 Book Name: It’s Time To Say Thank You

Genre: Children's book (with colorful illustrations and activity pages)

Author's Name: Yogita Aggarwal

Publisher: The Write Order

Recommended Age: 2 years to 10 years

Shop here


About the Author:  Yogita is a digital content creator and an entrepreneur. She has been navigating her professional life for over 10 years and has a strong 360-degree digital presence with a primary focus on parenting, lifestyle, and fashion. She believes in 'Do what you love the most'. With this book, she is on a mission to spread human values and smiles to the next generation.




About the Book:

As parents, we want to give all that is best to our kids, both tangible and intangible, from education to things of daily need. We want the best for them. But, as they say, ‘it is not always the presents they want, but you to be present with them’. Because what a parent can teach a child, probably no one can. The attitude of gratitude is one such crucial social skill we ought to impart from an early age. Often, we just instruct them to say thank you, welcome,"  etc., but it ends up being a ritual for them rather than them understanding the real implications. 'It's Time to Say Thank You' book is truly an Indian book that takes charge to make our little ones be thankful for whatever they have, and also to engage them with fun activities inside. 



Radhika: Congratulations! How are you feeling about becoming a first-time author?

Author Yogita: First of all, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity and inviting me here, to share my thoughts. To be honest, I am very happy and nervous at the same time. I am sure you can feel me. 



Radhika: What motivated you to write a children's book?

Author Yogita: I feel the msg that I have in the book is very special and everyone needs to consider that in their life. I want to spread that, especially for the little ones because most of them are blessed with everything in their life, and still, they cry for a new thing every day.

Radhika: Did you face any challenges during the writing process? How did you overcome them? 

Author Yogita: Umm… writing this was not a challenge but to make this song rhymic was little. I used to sing this song to get the best version of it & even I sing this daily for my daughter as a night-time song. 

 Radhika: How did you decide on the illustrations for your book?

Author Yogita: For designing, I trusted Dr. Sai Kaustuv Dasgupta, The wheelchair Warrior in India, and he did amazing work. 

I worked hard to choose activities and more & Sai have them the shape.


Radhika: Please elaborate on how parents and teachers can use the book to its fullest.

Author Yogita: Thank you for asking this. First thing first, if you have money and you are buying this because your kid wants that don't buy it. Because trust me, they will open this once or twice but as conscious parents, you need to encourage your child to read that book or sing that song for your little ones, even for the newborn.

Discuss things like, for example - 

I am thankful for your good grades.

Or maybe mumma is happy because you finished your lunch.

When you will show this gratitude, they will also start considering the small things that are there and valuable. 

You can ask them – why are they thankful today and listen carefully to their answers or help to give one answer. 


In short - Actively engage your child with the blessings he/she had in their life.


“Gratitude simply means "Be thankful for what we have". We are blessed with abundance in life, but are we valuing that? Thus, are we also teaching our kids the same thing?

Being a parent, I want my child to learn the power of Gratitude. This book by the author,  Yogita Aggarwal helps in defining the same term with great illustrations and conveying a great message to our kids.

This book is a requirement if you want to teach kids the value of things. Additionally, this book offers several fun activities for kids. Highly advised for children between the ages of 4 and 10 years."

Let’s discuss what are you currently reading to your kids. And which is your favorite book and why? You can share your experiences in the comment box below.

  This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023 

You should look at Saregama Carvaan Mini Kids


Also read, Just the Way You Are: A Book of Self-Love to Let Your Perfection Shine Through Author's Interview and the book review


 Another Blog: 7Toddler Activities For Homeschooling

You can check out my AMAZON STOREFRONT link and Facebook and Instagram page.



Thursday, August 3, 2023




 Wellness is a multifaceted and holistic concept that refers to the state of optimal health and well-being across various dimensions of an individual's life. It requires conscious effort, self-awareness, and the willingness to make positive lifestyle choices that support a healthier and more fulfilling life.

It involves the harmonious integration of physical, mental, social, and many more.


Stay-at-home mothers, also called SAHMs, are mothers who have chosen to devote most of their attention to raising their children and taking care of household duties. By investing their time and efforts in the care of their children, they play a significant part in the dynamics of the family.


In this blog, we'll look at how stay-at-home mothers can maintain a healthy lifestyle and enhance their overall wellness.


The most common challenges of being a “Stay-at-Home Moms” are:-

 1.   Constant Multitasking: Stay-at-home mothers are multitasking masters. It can seem like a never-ending juggling act to balance everything from taking care of the housework to raising the kids.


2. Isolation: The absence of daily adult interaction might cause emotions of isolation. It becomes crucial to network with other mothers and establish a support system.


3. Time Restrictions: Finding time for yourself can feel like an impossibility with so many obligations to attend to. Although it can be difficult, making time for self-care is essential for your well-being.


4. Emotional Rollercoaster: Being a mother is a rollercoaster of emotions with highs and lows. Your mental health may suffer as a result of the stress of trying to be the ideal mother.


 Being a stay-at-home mom can be both rewarding and demanding, and taking care of oneself is essential to meet the challenges of motherhood with resilience and joy.


 Here are some key aspects of wellness for SAHM:


1 . Physical Wellness: Taking care of your physical health is crucial for staying energized and capable of managing daily tasks. This includes getting regular exercise, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, staying hydrated, and getting enough restful sleep.


1.1 Regular Exercise: Stay-at-home mothers must regularly engage in physical activity. Include workouts that suit your schedule, such as yoga, dance, walking, jogging, or at-home activities. Strength, flexibility, cardiovascular health, and mental well-being can all be improved by exercise.


1.2 Healthy Eating: A nutritious and well-balanced diet is essential for physical wellness. Aim to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats, especially if you're a stay-at-home parent. Limit your intake of processed foods, sweet snacks, and calorie-dense beverages.


1.3 Proper Sleep: Sleep that is sufficient and restorative is essential for good health. Be sure to prioritize good sleep hygiene, create a regular sleep routine, and obtain the recommended amount of sleep each night.


Also, Don’t neglect your health check-ups on a regular basis.


2. Mental and Emotional Wellness: Motherhood can be emotionally taxing, and it's essential to prioritize mental well-being. This involves acknowledging and managing stress, seeking support or counseling when needed, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation.


2.1 Self-Identity and Fulfillment: SAHMs frequently focus the majority of their time and resources on taking care of their families, which can occasionally result in disregarding their own needs and goals.


2.2 Social Support and Connections: It's crucial for SAHMs to cultivate their sense of self and engage in pursuits that provide them fulfillment outside of motherhood. Taking part in hobbies, continuing your education, or working part-time (if it's possible) might give you a sense of accomplishment.


2.3 Stress Reduction: SAHMs must manage a variety of stressors, including taking care of the home, the needs of the kids, and potential financial worries. Utilizing stress-reduction methods like yoga, deep breathing exercises, or meditation can assist manage daily stress and preserve mental well-being.


Remember, taking care of your mental and emotional well-being as a stay-at-home mom is not selfish; it's essential for both you and your family. Prioritize self-care, seek support, and be kind to yourself during this journey of motherhood.


3.   Social Wellness:

Stay-at-home moms may sometimes feel isolated due to spending more time at home with children. Nurturing social connections is essential for emotional well-being. Reach out to friends, join mom support groups, or participate in community activities to build a support network and share experiences with other moms.


3.1. Social Relationships: The fact that stay-at-home mothers spend so much time with their kids at home might often make them feel lonely. In order to be socially healthy, one must actively look for opportunities to interact with others, such as other mothers, neighbors, friends, or family. Social relationships can be cultivated by participation in group activities, playdates, or local parenting meetups.


3.2. Supporting System:

The development of a solid support network is essential for social well-being. Moms who stay at home can gain from having friends or other moms who share their experiences in raising children. This support system can provide a secure setting for experience sharing, advice seeking, and emotional support.


3.3 Family Time:


Social wellness also entails fostering romantic relationships. Setting aside time for couples to bond, such as date nights or shared interests, strengthens the relationship and improves general well-being.


Social wellness is not solely about the number of friends you have but the quality of connections you cultivate. Prioritizing social interactions and fostering meaningful relationships can significantly contribute to a stay-at-home mom's overall well-being and sense of belonging within a community. Exploring cultural events, recreational activities, or clubs can help stay-at-home moms find like-minded individuals with shared interests, leading to the formation of new friendships.


4.   Occupational Wellness

Though being a stay-at-home mom is not a traditional job, it is an essential role. Finding fulfillment and purpose in this occupation involves recognizing the value of your contributions to the family, setting personal goals, and finding ways to balance caregiving with personal interests and passions.


4.1 Recognizing the Value of the Role:

Occupational wellness for stay-at-home moms begins with recognizing the importance and value of their role as caregivers and homemakers. This role involves nurturing and shaping the lives of their children, creating a loving home environment, and contributing significantly to their family's well-being.

4.2    Setting Goals and Priorities:

Just like in any occupation, stay-at-home moms can benefit from setting clear goals and priorities. Identifying what they want to achieve in their role as a parent and homemaker allows them to focus their efforts and feel a sense of accomplishment.

4.3    Time Management:

         Stay-at-home moms juggle multiple responsibilities throughout the day. Effective time management is essential for balancing childcare, household chores, personal time, and potential personal interests or hobbies.



Remember that wellness for stay-at-home moms is not about achieving perfection but about finding a healthy balance that suits your unique circumstances and needs. Prioritize self-care, seek support when necessary, and embrace the joys and challenges of being a stay-at-home mom with compassion and grace. Your well-being directly influences the well-being of your family, making it an essential aspect of creating a happy and harmonious home.


Remember, every mom's journey is unique, and it's okay to find your own balance and pace. Be patient with yourself, and know that you're doing an incredible job, one that makes a significant difference in the lives of your loved ones.


Here's a comprehensive checklist for stay-at-home wellness to help you prioritize self-care and overall well-being.

 Here are a few affirmations for Stay-at-home moms and their overall well-being:


1.     I am a strong and loving role model for my children, teaching them valuable life lessons.

2.     I trust in my ability to find balance and harmony in my daily life.

3.     I release any feelings of comparison and focus on my unique journey as a mother.

4.     I am supported by a network of fellow moms who understand and uplift me.

5.     I am worthy of taking time for myself without feeling guilty.

6.     My contributions as a homemaker create a warm and loving home environment for my family.

7.     I am grateful for the opportunity to witness my children's growth and development.     

8.     I create a balance between nurturing my family and pursuing my own passions and interests.

9.     I practice patience and understanding with myself and my family as we navigate life together.

10.  I prioritize my mental and emotional well-being, knowing that it positively impacts my family.


As a stay-at-home mom, your dedication and love are the cornerstones of your family's happiness. However, it's essential to remember that taking care of yourself is just as crucial as caring for others. Prioritizing self-care, managing your time effectively, and nurturing your well-being are all key components to thriving in your role. Embrace the challenges, seek support when needed, and celebrate the joys that come with being a stay-at-home mom.

Let's discuss how you maintain your overall wellness in the comment box below. Ant tips/tricks would be appreciated for the SAHM.

This post is a part of Wellness Hour Blog Hop by Rakhi Jayashankar and Swarnali Nath".

Also, Check the book review "The Essence of Motherhood" By Swarnali Nath

Also, Read 5 lesson learned in two years of the motherhood journey

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